My pet peeve is and will always be bad drivers there are so many out there. There are even ones who forget they have turn signals or they brake to make a lane change on a highway, or making any lane change without looking. And you have to love the cell phone users or shavers , or someone putting on make. I remember years ago i was stopped at a light for about 30 seconds and had this woman rear end me once she got out she had a streak of lipstick across her cheek, you just have to shake your head. Even had a guy driving a bmw pull beside me at a light and he started were does this end....bad drivers...maybe there should be a new law that would have all drivers good or bad be tested every 2 years to keep us sharp behind the wheel...
Ever been behind a vehicle going less than 60km/hr in an 80km/hr zone? I’m sure it’s happened to you on more than one occasion. For me, it happens every Tuesday and Wednesday of the week.
There is this little red car that always gets off the ferry first somehow. I won’t mention any names, but her car is more than capable of doing the speed limit. Don’t get me wrong, I am NOT encouraging speeding or for anyone to exceed their comfort zone. However, if you do decide that you want to go 20 below the limit, please, I’m begging you, to just simply pull your car over and let the traffic by. It is so rude to drive home with 30 cars all bumper to bumper because you think that you’re doing us all a favor.
Driving REALLY slow is dangerous. I completely mean this statement, and let me tell you why. When you drive slower than the speed limit, people start to do this thing called “tailgating.” It’s when people decide that if they stay two inches away from your bumper, that it will make you go faster or make sure you get the idea. Again, I do not in any way encourage this sort of dangerous behavior, but in any case, it happens as a result of someone’s slow driving.
People who can’t drive in snow, should not be driving in snow. What a statement right? Well half the population decides it’s going to venture out into the blizzard with no comprehension of how they’re going to manage the drive. It’s even worse, when you catch them driving down a hill-brakes on ALL THE WAY. Let me give you a little tip-when driving in snow, the more times you can AVOID putting on your brakes and hitting ice (and as a result sliding), the better. Put your car into a lower gear and let the car/truck do the work for you. This is especially important if you are being followed-because if the car behind you slams on their brakes because you are holding your foot on yours, the consequences could be deadly. Survey: How many of you would like to see a new 2 year testing law for drivers?
Please add your answers in the comment....